Megiddo Dream Station Job Skills Training
A Place for Us Ministries International Inc. partners with the Megiddo Dream Station Job Skills Training Program out of Augusta, GA. Megiddo trains our volunteers, and then, they hold job skill classes for our residents daily Mon-Thurs. These skills include communication, soft skills, financial planning, and project management. The partnership provides our residents with the job skills they need to be successful through an evidenced based and established program. Megiddo provides our residents with graduation certificates upon completion. Residents must participate in and complete the Megiddo Job Skills Training as part of their Level 1 program graduation.

Kelly Simpson, Megiddo Representative for Greenwood County, presents "Hope" with a graduation gift for completing the Megiddo Job Skills Training requirements.
Hope's experience...
As part of Hope's participation in the Megiddo Job Training, she and her fellow resident had to design a "project" and present it to Megiddo leadership. They put together a "Baby Shower Fundraiser" for the Residential House. Hope helped design a flyer, set up a table display in The Alcoves and spoke with customers about the Residential House. On May 25th, Hope presented her project to Kelly Simpson, the Greenwood County Megiddo representative. Hope reported that she had learned many new skills from her classes, especially how to stay calm under stress. She also voiced that she learned about how to dress appropriately for a job interview and that "set back is just a set up for a comeback."
Mock Interview
Residents participate in mock interviews with local business professionals as part of the Megiddo Job Training. Pictured is a former resident completing her mock interview with a local business woman.